

Above: Image by Gina Milicia “I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” – Vincent van Gogh
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The default crop overlay setting in Lightroom is the rule of thirds which is very handy but did you know you can change the overlay to include: Fibonacci     Golden RatioGolden triangle GridAspect Ratio To change the overlay: Shortcut  “R” takes you to the crop overlayShortcut “O” to toggle through the different crop overlaysShortcut “Shift O “ to...
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Above: Image by Gina Milicia I’ve spent the last 30+ years climbing a mountain. I started climbing impatiently, sprinting so fast I barely noticed the scenery. The road was smooth and the incline was gentle. The first part of the climb felt easy, took little effort, almost like I was being carried by some invisible...
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Above: Image by Gina Milicia We all have days when everything seems to be going wrong. Your last shoot sucked, you lost a client or you just feel meh and think all your photos are shite. I usually curl up in the fetal position with a 500gm jar of Nutella and watch One Tree Hill. What’s...
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Decades before digital technology transformed how we make and see pictures, American photographer Garry Winogrand made hundreds of thousands of them with his 35mm Leica, creating an encyclopedic portrait of America from the late 1950s to the early 1980s. When he died suddenly at age 56 in 1984, Winogrand left behind more than 10,000 rolls...
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Above: Image by Gina Milicia “Your portrait style just isn’t strong enough…we’re looking for photographers with edgier work – but thanks anyway.” This was the 5th time in a row I had been told that my folio sucked. I was absolutely gutted. This last blow was delivered by Dave, an art director from one of Melbourne’s...
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Above: Image by Gina Milicia “When people look at my pictures I want them to feel the way they do when they want to read a line of a poem twice.” – Robert Frank
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I’ve got a real blind spot when it comes to verticals and horizontals. It’s kind of like vertical dyslexia. I can never get my images completely square. This can be a problem particularly when I’m shooting portraits of people in a room or anywhere with vertical or horizontal features such as light poles, doorways etc....
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Above: Image by Gina Milicia Did you know that after you take a photo in JPEG, your camera will process that file according to an exact mathematical formulation determined by Hans at the camera factory? Hans (not his real name) is commissioned by all camera manufacturers to calculate the amount of contrast, sharpening and white...
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How to direct and pose like a pro

About Gina

About Gina

Gina Milicia is one of the most widely known and respected photographers in Australia. She is the master of capturing that ‘magical moment’... READ MORE

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