
November 23, 2020

How to photograph strangers

Above: Image by Gina MiliciaThis portrait was taken of a complete stranger using my 5 second rule followed by “May I because” technique. They totally work. Once they agree to pose for my camera I set them up so I get exactly the shot, pose and mode I am after.   May I take your picture? Have you ever walked past a complete stranger and thought: “Wow I’d love to photograph that person, they look incredible”? How many times have you acted on that impulse? Asking a stranger to do something for us isn’t easy, even for the most confident person. We’re all afraid of being rejected or looking silly. What will other people think about us? “You don’t ask, you don’t get.” This was my dad’s favourite saying and the secret of getting what you want is A. AskingB. How you ask.  At a recent workshop I was running, I asked two...

How to direct and pose like a pro

About Gina

About Gina

Gina Milicia is one of the most widely known and respected photographers in Australia. She is the master of capturing that ‘magical moment’... READ MORE

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