
April 22, 2018

How to confidently direct a large group of people

Above: Image, Gina Milicia For many inexperienced photographers the thought of having to photograph a large group of people is intimidating. It’s nerve wracking enough approaching a stranger, let alone 10 or more. I can remember my first group portrait shoot. I was so nervous I could hear my voice shaking as I spoke. I felt hot and beads of perspiration were running down my back. I wanted to get it over and done quickly because I felt like everyone was judging my skill level based on speed. I dared not look at my camera settings because I thought this would make me look incompetent. I basically mumbled something from behind the camera that I thought sounded like “Okay everyone look this way and smile” but in reality it sounded like “OKmmmmmmunayllllmmmmhhhmmm” I then took two frames, smiled, said thanks or “thuuuuuuaaaaaa.” Oh my God my mouth was so dry,...

How to direct and pose like a pro

About Gina

About Gina

Gina Milicia is one of the most widely known and respected photographers in Australia. She is the master of capturing that ‘magical moment’... READ MORE

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